Tom is the newest addition to the team. He comes straight from Paris, France and he is focusing on the marketing area of the studio as well as teaching the newly added marketing class. We asked him a few questions to get to know him a little better...
SMJ: what do you like the most about the fashion industry?
Tom: Fashion is an art form, you can express yourself and show who you are, and it's the only art open and available to everyone, that i also love. Being able to share what makes you inspired and your culture. Also the fashion industry is very fun, besides what people may think, of it being arrogant and fake.
SMJ: How would you describe your musical taste?
Tom: Music is a big part of my life, I put on music when i wake up, when im in the shower, in the train, on the street... everywhere! i like techno music very much and here, in Peru, I discovered the happiness of Latin music. Lo máximo Perú! My favorite artist that i can hear at any moment is kaytranada, who is a Canadian DJ who makes remixes from every type of music. Genius!
SMJ: What is a pastime you enjoy a lot?
Tom: Travel is a big part of my life, I love discovering new cultures, countries and civilizations, trying to understand each one and keeping the best of each one.
SMJ: Who is someone you admire?
Tom: My grandpa, who was part of the french resistance during World War II.
SMJ: what three things have you liked from your experience in Peru so far?
Tom: During my childhood i traveled a lot with my family and friends. Peru is the first country where I really feel at home and free. I'm very much in love with old architecture, like the republican and colony- age houses in Barranco. I also love the inka culture and all the history. Finally, Ceviche!
Palacete Sousa
SMJ: How important do you think marketing is in the world of fashion?
Tom: Marketing is a fascinating thing, with it you can understand the world of the fashion industry. This are not just clothes, they all mean something. Each brand has a history, a universe, behind the clothes and the runway.
SMJ: What are some of your favorite brands?
Tom: My favorite clothing brand would be Undercover, because of its universe and what it proposes, and Filling Pieces when it comes to footwear.
On illustration, Look from Undercover Fall 2017
SMJ: What would you say is the biggest difference between how latin american fashion works and how european fashion works?
Tom: Fashion industry in South America is very young and it's not very organised, like in Europe. In France and Italy, fashion is part of the culture, it is a way to live, how to share your personality and what you like. Here in Latin America, people wear clothes differently, they wear them to shoe their affiliation to a social group.
SMJ: what can we expect from this new marketing class?
Tom: With this class I'll try to share my knowledge of fashion marketing, extracting from my past in the Parisian fashion industry with fun and passion.